Senin, 31 Januari 2011

Istilah Linguistik 4


The sensation experienced through the sense of hearing.
A spoken sentence a part of sentence.
The study of the production, transmission, and reception of speech sounds.
Something not proved but assumed to be true for purposes of argument or further study or investigation.
A discriminable speech sounds.
To state or tell again.
The quality produced by vibrating the vocal cords.
Minimal Pairs
Two utterances distinguished by a single contrast, as are pat and bat; it’s a battle and its bottle.
One of the parts of a construction.
A contrastive unit in the sound system of a language characterized in pronunciation by constriction of the airstream in the vocal tract; also a letter to symbolize such a sound.
Something that stands for something else. A letter character or sign used instead of a word to represent a quantity, position, relationship, direction, or something to be done.
A morpheme or word related to another morpheme or word by reason of descent from a common linguistic sources.
A sound involving some kind of constriction in its production.
A sound lacking constriction in its production.
Produced by release of air through the nose. The m, n, and ng (/n/) of Pam, Pan, and Pang are nasal consonant.
Initial Position
Occurring after a pause of some kind or at the beginning of a linguistic unit such as syllable, word, or utterance.
A sequence of two or more consonants made without an intervening vowel, for example, the beginning of scream (/skr-/) and the end of glimpsed (/-mpst/).
Having discernible physical attributes.
The variety of language spoken in a particular area (regional dialect) or by a particular social group (social dialect).
A positional variant of morpheme. The endings of cats, dogs, and churches all have the meaning “plural” but differ phonemically (/s/ - /z/ - /az/ ) and are therefore allomorphs of the “plural” morpheme.

Minggu, 30 Januari 2011

Istilah Linguistik 5


The semantic feature of being without discernible physical attributes.

A form class often marked in English by the ability to take the comparative and superlative suffixes; for example, long, longer, longest, and good, better, best are adjectives.

A form class sometimes marked in English by the ability to take the –ly suffix; for example, wisely, usually, and heavily are adverbs.
Auxiliary verb

A verb that combines with another verb to form a verb phrase; for example, have in have gone or will in will go.

The marking of a verb to indicate whether an action is beginning, completed, in progress, repeated, and so on; for example, Shirley is knitting a sweater is marked for progressive aspect.

{} In generative-transformational grammar a convention for showing that one, and only one, of the linier choices enclosed in the braces must be made in the rewriting of a particular constituent.

An inflected form of a word which indicates the syntactic relationship of that word to another word in a grammatical construction.
Case Grammar

A theory of syntax and semantics which nouns in deep structure are said to be related to verb in cases such as agent, object, dative, instrumental, and so on.

A word or a group of words that follow a verb or verb phrase so as to complete a predicate; for example, happy in both John is happy and I made him happy.
Complex Sentence

A sentence containing one independent clause and one or more dependent clauses or embedded verbal.
Deep Structure

The abstract structure postulated as underlying a sentence, containing all the information necessary for both the syntactic and semantic interpretation of the sentence.

Sabtu, 29 Januari 2011

Sejarah Aliran Linguistik

Studi linguistik telah mengalami tiga tahap perkembangan, yaitu tahap spekulasi, tahap observasi dan klasifikasi, dan tahap perumusan teori. Pada tahap spekulasi, pernyataan-pernyataan tentang bahasa tidak didasarkan pada data empiris, melainkan pada dongeng dan cerita rekaan belaka. Umpamanya, pernyataan Andreas Kemke, seorang ahli filologi dari Swedia pada abad ke-17 yang menyatakan bahwa Nabi Adam berbicara dalam bahasa Denmark dan ular berbicara dalam bahasa Prancis, juga pendapat suku Dayak Iban di Kalimantan yang menyatakan bahwa manusia tadinya hanya punya satu bahasa; tetapi kemudian karena mabuk cendawan, mereka jadi berbicara dalam pelbagai bahasa. Pada tahap observasi dan klasfikasi para ahli bahasa mengadakan pengamatan dan penggolongan terhadap bahasa-bahasa yang diselidiki, tetapi belum sampai pada perumusan teori sehingga belum dapat dikatakan ilmiah. Penyelidikan yang bersifat ilmiah baru dilakukan pada tahap ketiga dimana bahasa yang diteliti itu bukan hanya diamati dan diklasifikasi, tetapi juga telah dibuatkan teori-teorinya. Berikut ini akan dibicarakan sejarah perkembangan linguistik dari zaman purba sampai zaman mutakhir secara sangat singkat dan bersifat umum.

Linguistik Tradisional
Istilah tradisional dalam linguistik sering dipertentangkan dengan istilah struktural, sehingga dalam pendidikan formal ada istilah tata bahasa tradisional dan tata bahasa struktural. Kedua jenis tata bahasa ini banyak dibicarakan orang sebagai dua hal yang bertentangan, sebagai akibat dari pendekatan keduanya yang tidak sama terhadap hakikat bahasa. Tata bahasa tradisional menganalisis bahasa berdasarkan filsafat dan semantik, sedangkan tata bahasa struktural berdasarkan struktur ciri-ciri formal yang ada dalam suatu bahasa tertentu.

Jumat, 28 Januari 2011

Sejarah Aliran Linguistik 2

Linguistik zaman Yunani
Studi bahasa pada zaman Yunani mempunyai sejarah yang sangat panjang, yaitu lebih kurang dari abad ke-2 M sampai dengan abad ke-5 M. Masalah pokok yang menjadi pertentangan para linguis pada waktu itu adalah pertentangan antara fisis dan nomos dan pertentangan antara analogi dan anomali.
Para filusuf Yunani mempertanyakan apakah bahasa itu bersifat alami (fisis) atau bersifat konvensi (nomos). Bersifat alami maksudnya bahasa itu mempunyai hubungan asal-usul, sumber dalam prinsip-prinsip abadi dan tidak dapat diganti di luar manusia itu sendiri. Dalam semantik kelompok yang menganut faham ini, yaitu kaum naturalis, berpendapat bahwa setiap kata mempunyai hubungan dengan benda yang ditunjuknya. Misalnya, kata-kata yang disebut onomatope, atau kata yang terbentuk berdasarkan peniruan bunyi. Sebaliknya kelompok lain yaitu kaum konvensional, berpendapat bahwa bahasa bersifat konvensi. Artinya, makna-makna kata itu diperoleh dari hasil-hasil tradisi atau kebiasaan-kebiasaan, yang mempunyai kemungkinan bisa berubah. Onomatope menurut kaum konvensional hanyalah suatu kebetulan saja.
Pertentangan analogi dan anomali menyangkut masalah bahasa itu sesuatu yang teratur atau tidak teratur. Kaum analogi, antara lain Plato dan Aristoteles, berpendapat bahwa bahasa itu bersifat teratur. Karena adanya keteraturan itulah orang dapat menyusun tata bahasa. Jika tidak teratur yang dapat disusun hanya idiom-idiom saja. Sebaliknya kaum anomaly berpendapat bahwa bahasa itu tidak teratur. Kalau bahasa itu teratur mangapa bentuk jamak bahasa Inggris child menjadi children, bukannya childs.
Dari keterangan di atas tampak bahwa kaum anomali sejalan dengan kaum naturalis, dan kaum analogi sejalan dengan kaum konvensional. Pertentangan kedua kelompok itu, anomali dan analogi masih berlangsung sampai sekarang, terutama jika orang berbicara mengenai filsafat bahasa.

Kamis, 27 Januari 2011

Sejarah Aliran Linguistik 3

Zaman Romawi
Studi bahasa pada zaman Romawi dapat dianggap kelanjutan dari zaman Yunani, sejalan dengan jatuhnya Yunani, dan munculnya kerajaan Romawi. Boleh dikatakan orang Romawi dapat pengalaman dalam bidang linguistik dari orang Yunani, seperti telah disebutkan bahwa pada awal abad pertama Remmius Palaemon telah menterjemahkan tata bahasa Dionysius Thrax ke dalam bahasa Latin dengan judul Ars Grammatika. Tokoh pada zaman Romawi yang terkenal antara lain Varro (16-27 S.M.) dengan karyanya De Lingua Latina dan Priscia dengan karyanya Institutiones Grammaticae.

Zaman Pertengahan

Studi bahasa pada zaman pertengahan di Eropa mendapat perhatian penuh terutama oleh para filusuf skolastik dan bahasa latin menjadi Lingua franca, karena dipakai sebagai bahasa gereja, bahasa diplomasi, dan bahasa ilmu pengetahuan. Dari zaman pertengahan ini yang patut dibicarakan dalam studi bahasa, antara lain adalah peranan Kaum Modistae, Tata Bahasa Spekulativa, dan Petrus Hispanus.
Kaum Modistae ini masih pula membicarakan pertentangan antara fisis dan nomos, dan pertentangan antara analogi dan anomali. Mereka menerima konsep analogi karena menurut mereka bahasa itu bersifat regular dan universal. Mereka memperhatikan juga secara penuh akan semantik sebagai dasar penyebutan definisi-definisi bentuk-bentuk bahasa.
Tata bahasa spekulativa, merupakan hasil integrasi deskripsi gramatikal bahasa Latin ke dalam filsafat skolastik. Menurut tata bahasa spekulativa, kata tidak secara langsung mewakili alam dari benda yang ditunjuk Kata hanya mewakili hal adanya benda itu dalam pelbagai cara, modus, substansi, aksi, kualitas, dsb. Semua bahasa akan mempunyai kata untuk konsep yang sama, dan semua bahasa akan menyatakan kesamaan jenis kata dan kategori-kategori grammatikal lainnya.
Petrus Hispanus. Beliau pernah menjadi Paus, yaitu tahun 1276 – 1277 dengan gelar Paus Johanes XXI. Bukunya berjudul Summulae Logicales. Peranannya dalam bidang llinguistik antara lain:
  • Dia telah memasukkan psikologi dalam analisis makna bahasa. Dia juga membedakan antara signifikasi utama dan konsignifikasi, yaitu pembedaan pengertian pada bentuk akar dan pengertian yang dikandung oleh imbuhan-imbuhan.
  • Dia telah membedakan nomen atas dua macam, yaitu nomen substantivum dan nomen adjectivum.
  • Dia juga telah membedakan partes orations atas categorematik dan syntategorematik. Yang dimaksud dengan categorematik adalah semua bentuk yang dapat menjadi subjek atau predikat. Sedangkan syntategorematik adalah semua bentuk tutur lainnya.

Rabu, 26 Januari 2011

Review Buku Eclipse 1

Judul Buku                  : Eclipse
Pengarang                   : Stephenie Meyer
Harga                          : Rp 70.000,00
Tebal buku                  : 20 cm
Banyak halaman          : 688
Penerbit                       : PT Gramedia Pustaka Utama

Novel Review             :
Isabella Swan pindah ke Forks, ke tempat ayahnya, Charlie, yang bekerja sebagai Kepala Polisi di Forks, Washington. Di SMA di Forks, dia bertemu dengan Edward Cullen, seorang vampire yang akhirnya menjadi kekasih Bella. Bella ingin sekali menjadi vampire, karena dengan begitu dia akan bisa mendampingi Edward selama-lamanya. Namun Edward tidak pernah mau melakukan itu kepada Bella. Dan akhirnya Edward mengajukan satu syarat jika Bella ingin menjadi vampir, yaitu Bella harus mau menikah dulu dengan dirinya, suatu syarat yang sangat berat bagi Bella.
            Edward tinggal bersama Ayah angkatnya (Carlisle Cullen), Ibu angkat (Esme Cullen), saudara perempuan angkatnya (Alice Cullen, Rosalie Hale), dan saudara laki-lakinya (Jasper Hale dan Emmet Cullen) di rumah yang letaknya jauh dari kota. Keluarga Cullen memang vampire, namun mereka tidak meminum darah manusia, mereka menahan diri dengan meminum darah binatang sebagai pemuas dahaga.
            Edward pernah meninggalkan Bella selama beberapa saat karena pada waktu perayaan ulang tahun Bella yang ke delapan belas dia nyaris terbunuh oleh Jasper Hale. Saat itu Bella nyaris gila, dia tidak bisa menata dirinya sendiri. Datanglah Jacob Black, dia adalah anak dari teman ayah Bella, Billy Black, yang ternyata werewolf, serigala jadi-jadian pelindung suku mereka, suku Quilette.
            Semenjak kedatangan Jacob, Bella mulai bisa menata diri kembali. Dan saat Edward dating, pertemanan mereka terhenti (musuh utama werewolf adalah vampire).
            Bella mulai kehilangan Jacob, karena Jacob sama sekali memutuskan hubungan dengan Bella. Di sisi lain, Edward juga tidak mengizinkan Bella pergi ke La Push (Tempat suku Quilette), karena Edward menganggap werewolf  itu tidak stabil.

Sejarah Aliran Linguistik 4 (akhir)

Zaman Renains
Zaman Renains dianggap sebagai zaman pembukaan abad pemikiran abad modern. Dalam sejarah studi bahasa ada dua hal pada zaman renaisans ini yang menonjol yang perlu dicatat, yaitu: (1) selain menguasai bahasa Latin, sarjana-sarjana pada waktu itu juga menguasai bahasa Yunani, bahasa Ibrani, dan bahasa Arab; (2) selain bahasa Yunani, Latin, Ibrani, dan Arab, bahasa-bahasa Eropa lainnya juga mendapat perhatian dalam bentuk pembahasan , penyusunan tata bahasa dan malah juga perbandingan.

Menjelang Lahirnya Linguistik Modern
Sejak awal telah disebut-sebut bahwa Ferdinand De Saussure dianggap sebagai Bapak Linguistik Modern. Masa antara lahirnya linguistik Modern dengan masa berakhirnya zaman renaisans ada satu tonggak yang sangat penting dalam sejarah studi bahasa. Tonggak yang dianggap sangat penting itu adalah dinyatakannya adanya hubungan kekerabatan antara bahasa sansakerta dengan bahasa Yunani, Latin dan bahasa-bahasa Jerman lainnya. Hal tersebut dikemukakan oleh Sir Wiliam Jones dari East India Company dihadapan The Royal Asiatic  Society di Kalkuta pada tahun 1786. Pernyataan Sir William Jones itu telah membuka babak baru sejarah linguistik, yakni dengan berkembangnya studi linguistik bandingan atau linguistik histories komparatif; serta studi mengenai hakikat bahasa secara linguistik terlepas dari masalah Yunani Kuno.
Bila kita simpulkan pembicaraan mengenai linguistic tradisional di atas, maka secara singkat dapat dikatakan, bahwa:
  • Pada tat bahasa tradisional ini tidak dikenal adanya perbedaan antara bahasa ujaran dengan bahasa tulisan. Oleh karena itu, deskripsi bahasa hanya tertumpu pada bahasa tulisan.
  • Bahasa yang disusun tata bahasanya dideskripsikan dengan mengambil patokan-patokan dari bahasa lain, terutama bahasa Lati.
  • Kaidah-kaidah bahasa dibuat secara presfektif, yakni benar atau salah.
  • Persoalan kebahasaan seringkali dideskripsikan dengan melibatkan logika.
  • Penemuan-penemuan atau kaidah terdahulu cenderung untuk selalu dipertahankan.

Selasa, 25 Januari 2011

Review Buku Eclipse 2

Di saat Edward pergi untuk berburu ke luar kota, Bella memanfaatkan itu untuk kabur dan pergi ke La Push dan bertemu Jacob. Aksi pertama tersebut gagal, karena Alice yang memiliki kemampuan untuk melihat masa depan, menyadari aksi Bella dan memberitahukannya pada Edward (Edward mempunyai kemampuan membaca pikiran setiap orang, kecuali pikiran Bella). Edward marah sekali. Dan menitipkan Bella kepada Alice saat dia hendak berburu kembali. Namun Bella berhasil kabur dari Alice dan menemui Jacob untuk pertama kali setelah mereka bermusuhan. Jacob senang sekali. Jacob sangat mencintai Bella, dan dia tidak peduli Bella mencintai Edward karena dia yakin Bella juga mencintai dirinya, hanya saja dia tidak sadar. Setelah Jacob mengetahui bahwa dalam beberapa minggu lagi Bella akan diubah menjadi vampir, Jacob sangat marah. Sementara itu Edward sudah mulai mengizinkan Bella menemui Jacob, karena dia harus mengakui bahwa Bella akan aman berada bersama Jacob.
            Keadaan Seattle sangat genting, pembunuhan berantai terjadi disana. Dan keluarga Edward menyadari bahwa itu perbuatan para Vampir baru yang haus darah.
            Setelah pulang dari Florida untuk menemui Reene dengan Edward, Bella sadar Blus merahnya hilang. Kemudian dia menemukan fakta yang mengerikan, bahwa satu atau lebih vampir membawa baunya. ya, Vampir bernama Victoria. Victoria dendam kepada Edward karena Edward telah membunuh kekasihnya, James (James nyaris membunuh Bella di Museum Balet di Phoenix), dan itu harus dibayar dengan membunuh kekasih Edward juga, yaitu Bella.
            Edward membawa Bella ke rumahnya, mengamankan dia disana. Saat itulah dia melamar Bella, dan mustahil Nella bisa menolak. Akhirnya, sebuah cincin bertahtakan intan tersemat di jarinya.

Senin, 24 Januari 2011

Review Buku Eclipse 3

Saat kenyataan mulai terkuak, bahwa Victoria menghimpun 21 vampir baru untuk mengintai Forks dan memburu Bella, terpaksa Vampir dan Werewolf bersatu (karena jumlah mereka kurang, selain itu keberadaan suku Quilette juga terancam oleh adanya vampir baru yang kuat dan selalu haus darah). Mereka menyusun strategi untuk menghancurkan para Vampir baru termasuk Victoria.
            Bella sangat takut kehilangan Edward, karena dia sudah mengetahui dengan jelas bagaimana jika kehilangan Edward. Oleh karena itu, Bella meminta Edward memutuskan dua pilihan, yaitu mengajaknya ikut membantu keluarga Cullen atau mereka berdua tidak ikut dalam pertempuran. Edward memilih untuk tidak ikut bertempur bersama Bella, karena dia tidak ingin kehilangan Kekasih sejatinya itu.
            Setelah Edward bersama Bella berputar di lapangan di puncak gunung (untuk menebarkan bau Bella dimana-mana, agar vampir baru itu kehilangan control-bau Bella sangat menggiurkan), mereka berpisah dengan rombongan keluarga Cullen.
            Vampir-vampir baru itu dengan mudah dihabisi oleh keluarga Cullen. Tidak disangka, Victoria pergi menerobos hutan mencari Edward, karena disana pasti ada Bella. Dia membawa seorang vampir baru, bernama Riley. Jacob yang pergi meninggalkan mereka, digantikan oleh werewolf bernama Seth. Seth melawan Riley, sedangkan Edward melawan Victoria.

Minggu, 23 Januari 2011

Review Buku Eclipse 4

Pertempuran terjadi tanpa terlihat oleh mata Bella, karena vampir-vampir  bergerak sangat cepat. Riley berhasil dimusnahkan dengan cara memotong-motong tubuhnya dan membakarnya. Victoria pun mati ditangan Edward.
            Setelah memusnahkan Victoria, mereka kembali ke lapangan untuk menemui keluarga Volturi (keluarga bangsawan Italia yang menjadi Pengendali hukum para Vampir). Keluarga volturi datang untuk membasmi para vampir yang melakukan pelanggaran, yaitu membahayakan eksistensi vampir. Para manusia tidak boleh mengetahui siapa mereka sebenarnya. Sebelumnya, keluarga volturi pernah melihat Bella di Italia, saat Edward mencoba bunuh diri karena dia telah mengira kehilangan Bella untuk selama-lamanya.
            Keluarga Volturi terkejut karena dengan mudahnya Keluarga Cullen menghabisi para vampir, tanpa kehilangan satu anggotapun. Mereka juga mendapati satu kejutan bahwa Bella belum berubah menjadi vampir. Alice berhasil meyakinkan mereka bahwa Bella akan segera menjadi anggota baru keluarga, karena tanggal pernikahan telah ditentukan.
            Di sisi lain, akhirnya Bella sadar bahwa dia mencintai Jacob juga. Namun dia tahu tanpa siapa dia tidak bisa hidup. Jadi dia memutuskan mendatangi Jacob dan membicarakan semuanya. Dengan hati terluka Bella meninggalkan Jacob, karena dia tahu Jacob menderita. Edward sempat bimbang, dia tidak ingin melihat bella menderita seperti itu. Namun Bella bisa meyakinkan Edward bahwa hanya bersama dirinyalah dia bisa bahagia.

Kelebihan dari novel ini adalah sang penulis (stephenie meyer) begitu banyak menggambarkan tokoh-tokoh dengan sangat baik, hingga kita bisa membayangkan setiap detil gerakan atau setiap detil keadaan dalam novel itu. Ceritanya pun mengalur sangat indah, buku ketiga dari keempat buku ini membawa pembaca masuk ke dunia dalam novel.

Jumat, 21 Januari 2011

Skillful Questioning and Emphasizing Quistionare

Rational emotive therapy (RET) is a physiotherapeutic treatment that suggests that lots of emotional issues are caused by irrational beliefs. The approach was developed in 1950's by Albert Ellis who proposed that, defective beliefs & unreality are the major causes of unhappiness & self de-eating habits among people. This was after conducting a research where they came up with irrational views, with each as an irrational unrealistic. This core views included, u must treat me if not I cannot bear, I must perform well to get the approval of others who are thought about important &, any condition must be the way I need it if not, I cannot live with such an horrible & horrible. RET is an active therapist whose main objective is to challenge the thought method in changing irrational thinking. An assessment before the beginning of the therapy is important. This will focus on the background information of the client such as drug history, sex, psychological history, schooling history, employment & information on criminology, which acts as a base for diagnosis (Mulhauser, 2009).
Cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) is a short time psychotherapeutic treatment that assists patients to understand feelings & thoughts that control behavior. There is ways in which mental health professionals approaches CBT, cognitive therapy, multimodal therapy & rational emotive theory. (CBT) usually starts by aiding the client to identify & understand the issue they is going through in a stage called functional analysis. Causes of the issues & how to deal with them are then tacked under the second part. This therapeutic treatment has been used to treat lots of disorders such as depression, anxiety, & a variety of maladaptive behaviors (Wagner, 2009).
This is a method of cognitive intervention where the therapists employ skillful issue solving & rewarding methods. This therapy is carried out by teachers, specialists & professions in solving cognitive issues in clients. Similar parts are used when administering skillful questioning & emphasizing in issue solving. Like RET & CBT, this method begins with issue recognition where the client is given the chance to recognize & practice various issue situations. Actual & theoretical issues are used for the client to know the existence of the issue. The second stage is for the client to document how & when the issue occurred. The following stage is for the therapist to guide the client through positive thinking &, practice with corrective feedback & positive reinforcement. Options on how to solve the disorder are developed in relation to the issue. This can be done through brainstorming the solutions in answering questions like, "what are your feasible solutions" (Riccomini et al, 2009).
The therapist ought to then assist the client to identify the most effective solution through evaluating the results of the given options. The client puts in practice the solution to see how effective it is in solving the issue. Skillful questioning &, emphasizing is carried out in little groups or on client- therapist basis. The length of the sessions will be contingent on the severity of the issue, & the client's efforts. Other activities involved under this therapy are, peer modeling, mentoring or behavioral rehearsal.Skillful questioning &, emphasizing choice, happens in a case where clients & therapists pick the working reinforcement for the client. The person on treatment is then allowed to practice reading out their issue statements in query form, & responding to the probes, for example why do I am liking sleeping in class?', then they learns to read the responses, through a query that goes Ãwhat are your feasible solutions'. In answering these questions, the client increases the problem-solving skill on his own, hence social manipulation. The client is introduced with a variety of questions to reply & actively participate in role playing. The therapist ought to then assess the consequences of each given answer & teach the client how to point out the most effective answer (Riccomini et al, 2009).
The client & the therapists can set a deadline on the completion of issue solving sessions. Any improvement on the side of the client, in reducing the aggression or the issue, is rewarded. This method works more or less like the cognitive behavioral Interventions (CBI). This method has been used to check drop out from schools in youth in immense urban high schools, due to depression issues leaning difficulties & mental retardation.
Adolescents with behavioral or emotional disorders have benefited from this method of cognitive intervention. The main differences between skillful questioning & emphasizing & other cognitive interventions methods is that the latter incorporates rewarding of clients for decrease in the behavior & proper use of issue solving skills.

Temporary Works Education

Temporary works are structures put up to assist in the construction of major projects such as, tunnels, bridges, or buildings. This is done through provision of support, access & shield for the project under construction, simultaneously, ensuring the wellbeing of the public & workers. The purpose of the temporary structures is for maintenance, repair or inspection. On completion of the construction, the temporary structures are removed or integrated in to the refined work. Temporary structures take hold of the key to a winning building project (McGraw-hill, 2005).

Structural engineering is a specialty field within civil engineering that deals with the analysis & design of structures that support or/and resist heavy lots. The field seeks to advance quality both in performance & safety in the work of the design of permanent buildings & other non-building structures e.g. machinery, heavy industrial plants & medical equipments. In the work of the design of these permanent structures, temporary structures are often used to provide support to tunnels, bridges or buildings.

The relevant issues of safety necessary in the work of design & construction need to be keenly observed; the occupants & users of the structure under design need a safe & comfortable surroundings in which to live, work & play. For a firm structure that would withstand all expected pressures, a safety factor of is usually selected for building for every structural member..5 is the mostly used safety factor with.25 for the main landing gear &.0 for pressurized fuselages. This is because plenty of structures are disused with low value of building. Safety factor of is used for automobiles while yielding, metallic equipment makes use of the lower value like.4 &.0 for aircraft & spacecrafts respectively.

Temporary structures are useful in ensuring the stability of structures under design. The planning authority requires qualified structural engineers to ascertain the structural suitability & make positive that the project won't endanger lives after completion. The American Institute of Steel Construction (AISC) provides a code of standard practice that ought to be observed in the work of the construction using steel buildings & bridges in order to provide stability that can resist wind, seismic & other erection operations. Through the use of proper temporary structures, one-of-a-kind & long lasting structures are generated. For temporary structures to be used for a maximum of years period, the sub-contractor in charge of the project is responsible for construction of a quality product & provision of a safe working surroundings, all through the effective use of methods, techniques, tooling, & equipment. AWS structural welding code & AASHTO standard specifications for highway bridges & building code provided by OSHA ought to even be observed for safety purposes.

Kamis, 20 Januari 2011

Find Fun Kids' Activities in Your Area

There I said it.

I will go out on a limb here & say something controversial: parenting is time-consuming.

From what I can tell - & I am not a parent, though I often play on TV - parents are in constant motion: from the moment the alarm goes off until they collapse in to bed at night, it is a series of automobile journeys, soccer practices, violin lessons, & who knows what else.

& in the process - another crazy theory here - I surmise that over-worked parents sometimes miss out on tidy opportunities or activities for their kids. For starters, they are fundamentally busy. But more importantly, there never appears to be a single, one-stop location where they can fundamentally & quickly access all the chilled activities in their area.

Until now.

Eventz4kidz is a site the lists kids' activities such as classes, camps, sports, & far more based on your town. It is simple to make use of, intuitive, & supports a local charity. What is not to love? On the home page, you can click on a sample city - Boston, Chicago, San Diego, for example - & browse activities, or Subscribe to get information about events in your city. But first things first: I signed up.

I entered my basic information, & was prompted to pick my city & surrounding metropolitan area. You can enter whatever city you live in & subsequently edit the event at any time. Having lived in Washington, DC, I chosen the nearby suburb of Arlington, VA. Next, I had the chance to add an event. I could select from a pre-selected set of categories - arts & leisure, dance, music, etc. - add an event name & a URL.

Next, I could enter the age range for the event as well as the type of event (e.g. prenatal, child care, inside, or outside.) Add the event date, cost, & go for a Featured Listing (at a $10 cost - with $1 being donated to charity), & you are all set.

Of work, adding events is part of the fun. The other part is checking out events for your kids in your area. Let's take the day activities for kids in Ft. Lauderdale/Palm Beach area, for example. What you'll see is fundamentally a kids' calendar; fundamentally click on an Event Section or Event Type box on the left, & the page will automatically load to show related activities. I also like the other options on the left, which let you change your preferences on a sliding scale - for some unusual reasons it reminds me of Bing's Travel tools. intuitive, simple.

Regarding the charitable donations, Eventz4kids will donate $1 for every featured event sold on their net site to a local childrencharity; for the year 2011, Eventz4Kids chosen the Make-A-Wish foundation as its featured charity. chilled.

All in all, Eventz4Kids fills a void in the market that has been suspiciously un-filled (if that is a word) for a long time. I mean, give it some thought: they use the Net for everything. & while day activities for kids are not analogous to, say, purchasing airplane tickets, there is still platforms out there that support entertainment options. Sites like Fandango come to mind - a site where you can purchase tickets to an event.

But when it comes to a comprehensive list of events for kids focused on your home town, the choices are surprisingly limited. & Eventz4Kids neatly addresses this demand, effectively, fundamentally, & effectively. It is & a great promotion platform for teachers, artists, musicians, & any other individual who offers kids' activities in their communities. A win-win!

It is like this site could only have been created byparent. & when you read about how the site came to be, everything neatly falls in to place. The founder, Rachel Cohen, desired to build a site to "concentrate events on a calendar to find activities quickly for the busy relatives."

Well, according to this non-parent - who often plays on TV - they succeeded!

Best School and Their Role in Child's Development

Best schools in Hyderabad make every work to generate a healthy surroundings in the classroom. These schools help in supporting, nurturing, & success for all students. Each & every best schools of Hyderabad hire learned teachers who are highly qualified & make every work for adopting their classroom surroundings. Here in best schools of Hyderabad both their administrative staffs & teachers leave no stone unturned for giving better results. Here they form small groups where teaching activities are focused on some particular skill that helps in delivering greater challenges to the scholars who are known to be performers. The best schools of Hyderabad have teachers who are prepared to prepare diverse group of students for further challenges in life. The scholars must be able to finding issues in teaching, generating newer solutions, framing difficult issues, integrating & synchronizing information, learning things on their own, & moreover learning to work in a team.

With a better team of teaching staff best schools of Hyderabad are known through out the country. These teachers have skills of additional ordinary talent with which they can groom the future of India in the correct direction. It is a teacher who plays a key role in life of a student for motivating in academic life. There is different issues among students of any particular class as in there has to be some students in class who are restless, other must be taking more time for learning new ideas, some others must be disturbing classroom,
some are noisy, some are shy from participating, not speaking, other must be lovely at answering verbally but are not lovely at writing & are with poor spellings, some other must be having poor handwriting, other showing inappropriate behavior, less motivation to study, & other must be involved in to fighting every now & then. So such activities are to be taken care of by teachers. But best schools in Hyderabad make every feasible to generate your kid's future. At you come across best schools of Hyderabad. So pick any
of these schools for your child & make his learning outstanding.
Each parent will think of joining their kids in the best schools. In general the parents will have different opinions about what they think as the best schools. Some parents will think the best school means to make the scholars study the whole day from morning to evening. Some think the best school means an Institution with lovely facilities, well designed classes & teachers.

Play is essential to development because it contributes to the cognitive, physical, social, & emotional well-being of kids & youth. Play also offers an ideal opportunity for parents to engage fully with their kids. Best Schools in Hyderabad can possibly have a separate ground for each sport so that a student can improve well in the sports. Also each & every student ought to be allowed to participate in the some sport events to improve their stamina & concentration.

But a Hyderabad best schools ought to have staffs who could maintain a friendly nature with students & as well as parents. The school ought to conduct extra-curricular activities, positive behavior in group settings, & directions & directions from teachers & other adults in the school. The classroom surroundings ought to be nurturing, supportive & successful for all students.To help make this true for students, teachers may require to make various adaptations to the classroom surroundings. Setting up small groups where learning activities are focused on specific skills may even be an option for providing greater challenges & expansion of content for students who are high performers . Some kids may require more time to acquire the knowledge & skills needed to perform at the level of his or her peers. When young students are unable to reply appropriately to the classroom & school surroundings, they often are labelled as having some kind of learning disabilities & are tracked in classrooms with curriculum designed to control their behaviors & responses. These kids will require some individualized attention & customization of the classroom curriculum to help address their difficulties. Parents must be sent a every month document on the kid's behavior & participation in the school activities, this will help the parents to actively participate in their kid's school life & they won't be left aloof.

Parents require their kids to succeed in school, but a parent's role in that success must not be underestimated. In school as in life, consistent support from parents is crucial to sustaining a student's confidence & sense of achievement. With the wide availability of early childhood schooling across the whole social spectrum, they no longer require to debate the query of its importance. It is clear to see the benefits clearly outweigh the costs.

Rabu, 19 Januari 2011

How to Prepare to Be Efficient?


A relief teacher is faced with the challenges of coming up with matchless & thrilling activities when the regular teacher failed to entrust a lesson plan to follow for the day. Before losing your head over the immense task of teacher jobs Victoria & duties you need to face, try studying the following lovely practices that are expected of a relief teacher.

 If given ample warning, be in school at least thirty minutes before classes start to acquaint yourself with the details introduced by the school & to set up your materials & start the class on time.

 It is thought about necessary in cases of earlier reservations that getting in contact with with the school be completed earlier the actual date of booking to find out what may be essential. This is most useful when the relief engagement comprises a variety of lessons throughout the day.

 On arrival, present yourself to the relief teacher manager, who is your point of contact in the school.

 As a competent teacher, you are expected to arrive prepared & prepared to teach. While it is a & if the regular teacher has entrusted lesson designs or teacher jobs Victoria to be completed by the reliever, this is a bonus & not an expectation. Note that practice vary between schools.

 Schools are pleased when their relief teacher jobs Victoria are taken on by flexible individuals who concede to the rearrangement of timetables & school routines.

 A relief teacher may also need to do some reproducing of materials & accessing basic stationery & equipment to backup the lesson plan. In this case, get acquainted with the school's database related to the class to be handled or the programme to be followed. If yard duty or bus duty is part of the day's necessary tasks, you ought to be allowed a maximum of thirty minutes lunch break.

 Know what paperwork the returning teacher needs. At the finish of each teaching day prepare a concise account of what has transpired in the coursework of the day & leave the classroom neat & neat. Confirm with the relief teacher manager to know where the document of the day ought to be handed before you go home. This is an appropriate venue for you to raise any concerns encountered in the coursework of the day & to seek for pointers.

Take these tips to heart, in case you are new in your teaching role. This will serve as your guide to having a fruitful teaching experience.

What Your Child Needs?

The babies ought to be bought up with utmost care nowadays as they are not as simple to handle as they were before. As babies though they were dumb & were not clever to face to world & answer to their questions, but in return our babies are way clever than us. Sometimes they as parents receive a shock when the tiny version of ourselves definitely acts as our tiny versions, in terms of smartness fundamentally. So therefore you see that things won't be the same & simple as it was for us & for our parents when they were babies. The generation is smarter & they have become increasingly well versed with the world & the things happening in the world around them.

Ultimately, they as parents must be clever & step ahead than our babies. So order to keep pace with their smartness, they must deal with them smartly & provide them with school & toys which enhance the skills which like to acquire or they require to pursue or show interest in. There is a lot of toys in the market which happen to increase & compliment the skills of developing kid. The toys which help to generate the motor movements of the kid are known as motor toys (in Danish motorisk matematik 

Do you know that there is different phases in a kid's life which require to understand properly so that they know that these phases are taken care of & the kid has learnt what they or they learns to acquire at that particular point of time or in the coursework of that particular phase of life. So they as parents also pay attention to our kid's interest & their demands so that they can contribute to their overall development & contribute to their better & brighter future. Hence next time check age group written on the toy before purchasing it for your kid.

Both are equally important & contribute to the general development of the kid. Therefore it is important for us to make positive that our babies are going through the right kind of toys & schooling at the right age, the reason behind this is of you miss that particular age then may be that particular development to happen in the kid.

Selasa, 18 Januari 2011

Social Skill Training Enhances Communication Power

Irrespective of the training provides, it is important to have the maximum communication skill & this can only be developed from childhood through proper programs. They learn to communicate from the early days of our lives. At the nursery stage they communicate through assigns & symbols encouraging people to understand what they are saying. After a positive stage they communicate with friends & relatives members & our parents & teachers rectify the faults. Even several schools run communication skill training to enrich the power. There is several programs that enhance the skill through proper planning & several techniques. Developing the skill from the childhood helps a lot in the coursework of life. Expertise is necessary for long run.

This world has turned out to be a hub of communication. It is not at all any issue to communicate people in spite of the geographical boundaries & other complications. The immense development in the technological period makes this feasible to rich people crossing the limitation of boundaries of countries & states. Without a doubt, this immense progress has made the local communication a small confided. The fast regular life gives us small time to sit together & have a chat with friends or relatives members without any occasion. Whereas some jobs require efficiency in social communication & such opportunities give the chance to have social skills training for their professional purpose. Such training systems not only help them to accomplish success in profession they can have a immense benefit in their personal lives as well.

Having an excellent communication is criteria to run a successful in this fast walking world. Without this skill you can seldom have the level of success you deserve. You may have an excellent educational background & you are capable to serve the best in your own field but without the communication skill there will be a limitation of everything. This is lovely that the schools have incorporated several communication skill training programs from the childhood. Even such programs help to bring out the hidden secret among the children with their potentialities. This can give them the actual track to flourish with their inborn talents to progress in the coursework of life. Lots of people lack this chance because of a lack in the communication skill.

Communication is so important in this life that this can bring a immense fine-tune in the coursework of life from personal to professional. Even lack in the communication skill can make a person loser from both ends, personal & professional. It is important to make others understand your point. Simultaneously it is important to have the skill to persuade people to follow your thought. Social skills training can give small improvements in the communication power that can make everything changed & updated. Even communication is the root of knowledge. In the event you cannot understand anything you require to convey the message to others. Without this, nobody can know that you have not understood the fact. So they can seldom be able to rectify it & it will be hard for you to get the point clear.

Various Gift For Children

The commercial market is booming with its showcase of variety of children s' gifts .Children love to get gifts of any kind. A chocolate box filled with creamy caramels or a puzzle game would fill the minds of children of all ages with awe & wonder..

They would love to play with toys, solve the educational puzzles by themselves & when they have done playing such puzzles they would urge their parents to buy more of such gifts in future. Toys for children (in Danish leget til brn)are obtainable in giant quantities & numerous varieties in the commercial markets. A girl kid would prefer to have a barbie while the boys of her age would love to keep a Ben0 toy for their playful activities. Thus toys for children need to be bought according to the kid's liking & interests.

Educational toys are preferred to increase a kid's reasoning knowledge & that is why lots of parents buy the puzzles for children. It kinders a kid's reasoning ability & the kid would feel as a winner in the event that they or they had solved the puzzle without any body's help.

Of work these puzzles for children are not of the same type & it differs with their age. Preliminary encouragement & guidance ought to be given by the parents to their children while solving puzzles. At a later stage the kid ought to be able to manage & solve puzzles by him or her own self.

The fine motor skills & the hand-eye co ordination is thus developed by nature in the early life of the kid itself. These skills along with the reasoning ability could get a more proper development when these educational puzzles are solved by children. The arrangement of numerical & alphabetical shapes in its right case on a wooden board would make the kid get a clear idea of the form & shape of numbers & alphabets.

Rewards ought to be given as they pave way for rendering the kid's interests for such puzzles in the near future. There is a lot of benefits in these puzzles for children (in Danish puslespil til . The kid when it is in the early years of his or her life like or months elderly tries to generate the "pincer-grip' which is the ability to hold on to objects with the help of hands..

Illustrations & pics ought to be also shown to children while teaching alphabets & numerals. An apple picture or fruit shown for "A,a" ,A cricket bat or picture of any bat can be shown to teach "B,b".This would generate the imaginative skill of children & it would enable the children to recall the letters & also numbers at any latter time .Thus wooden puzzles,musical educational toys pave way to generate the kid's interest to know a lot in the early stage of a kid's life.