Ihsan, meaning "to do beautiful things," is of the dimensions of the Islamic religion (Ara. ad-din): islam, iman and ihsan. In contrast to the emphases of islam (what ought to do) and iman (why ought to do), the idea of ihsan is primarily associated with purpose. who "does what is beautiful" is called a muhsin. It is usually held that a person can only accomplish true ihsan with the help and guidance of Allah, who governs all things.Some Islamic students report Ihsan as being the inner dimension of Islam whereas shariah is often described as the outer dimension:Ihsan "constitutes the highest type of worship" (ibadah). It is excellence in work and in social interactions. For example, ihsan includes sincerity in the coursework of Muslim prayers and being grateful to parents, relatives, and God. Ihsan (Excellence in faith)...just thinking the word in my head has a special ring to it, brings a sure unique, inspiring feeling to my heart. This word, this topic moves me. I hope it's that effect on you as well.
From the earlier discussion it ought to be clear that not every Muslim is a man or woman of faith (mu'min), but every person of faith is a muslim. Furthermore, a Muslim who believes in all the principles of Islam may not necessarily be a righteous person, a doer of lovely (muhsin), but a lovely and righteous person is both a muslim as well as a true person of faith. Ihsan "constitutes the highest type of worship" (ibadah). It is excellence in work and in social interactions. For example, ihsan includes sincerity in the coursework of Muslim prayers and being grateful to parents, relatives, and God. Ihsan is like the 'icing on the cake,' for the believer and his or her faith. Ihsan is a human reflection, a human try to accomplish excellence in faith and high level in the areas covered by the reveled 99 beautiful names of Allah swt. Ihsan (Excellence in faith)...just thinking the word in my head has a special ring to it, brings a sure unique, inspiring feeling to my heart. This word, this topic moves me. I hope it's that effect on you as well.
Ihsan, which means excellence in belief is the neglected 1/3 of our deen. It is to think in God Almighty without the slightest speck of doubt. It is similar in idea to the bodhisattva idea the Buddhists hold. And, when attained, it is like the "icing on the cake," for the believer and his or her faith. "Ihsan is the fruit that blossoms from our planted trees and shows up when the roots are strong and nourished, free from disease and harmful insects. If they fail to nourish our Iman by submitting to Allah, they will bear no fruit and our soul will die. But look in to the Islamic legacy. It is rich with ihsan. All the achievements in art, science, architecture, literature, geography, politics, economics, social movement, philosophy, medicine and more came from the Muslims' desire to attain ihsan. Ihsan is our lost treasure that they must unearth and revive.
"When a man says I cannot, he's made a suggestion to himself. He's weakened his power of accomplishing that which otherwise would have been accomplished
Ihsan (or Ehsan or Ahsan or) is an Arabic term meaning "perfection" or "excellence," which is related to the word "goodness" (Ara. husn). It is a matter of taking one's inner faith (iman) and showing it in both deed and action, a sense of social responsibility borne from religious convictions. In Islam, Ihsan is the Muslim responsibility to receive perfection, or excellence, in worship, such that Muslims try to worship God (Arabic Allah) as in the event that they see Him, and although they cannot see Him (Due to believing Allah is not made of materials), they without a doubt think he is constantly watching over them. That definition comes from the hadith (known as the Hadith of Gabriel) in which Muhammad states, "[Ihsan is] to worship God as though you see Him, and in the event you cannot see Him, then indeed He sees you."(Al-Bukhari and Al-Muslim).."
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