In contrast, second and foreign language instruction has to a great extent, incorporated the discrete elements view of language, in audiolingual and cognitive-code approach. Even in the recent period, whether the content has been grammatical sructures or semantic ideas expressed as notions, they have relied on analyses of language in constructing inventories which depend for their discovery procedures on processes of issecting and segmenting in to elements : IN linguistic science these discrete entities are given names such as phonemes, morphemes and sentence. When they work with illocutionary meaning, speeech acts, or functions in language, they tend to seek ways of putting such elements in to similiar categories. Moreover, the fact that they lack refernce texts which report language functions leaves us feeling dissatisfied. It may turn out, however, that our quests for 'grammars' of social interaction based on building-bolck untis tend to reflect our deeply imbued western cultural custom which has been based on discovering particles since the seventeenth century when a conceptual framework for science bulit around the modeel procliamed for physics was developed based on the mathematical theory of Isaac Newton, the philosophy of Rene' Descartes, and the scientific methodolgy advocated by Francis Bacon.
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